
Interpretive Design


Michelle Crotty (2016) contends that interpretation should enable people to move beyond the acquisition of information towards engagement, creating a bridge which connects the subject of interpretation to the visitors’ own lives. This leads to a better understanding of and greater respect for the places, people, histories, eco-systems, animals or objects being interpreted.

Thus, interpretation helps to create visitor experiences, site planning and visitor management, while delivering rich visitor experiences through various interpretive approaches and media.

Interpretation designs may take the form of static and interactive installations, trail development, signage, public artwork, support publications, verbal storytelling and tours, dramatizations and re-enactment, exhibitions, mobile phone apps and soundscapes.


Crotty, M. (2016) What is interpretive desogn?. ixd: interpretive by design [Blog]. Available at Accessed on 11 March 2021